Saturday, January 29, 2022

A very special gift!


("Black Mermaid" ~ Painting by JFM)

Greetings all! I want to share with all of you a very beautiful haiku written by such a talented artist and one of my dearest of blogger friends Jan who had thoughtfully created this one for me - making it even more special to my heart! Thank you, Jan. I feel truly blessed ... and thank you so much for allowing me to share it with everyone here!

(Written for my favorite mermaid...Kim)

so pretty the mermaid
in spangles and shells
found among deep sea treasures
along with many mermaid tales ~ JFM

I would also like to share this video from the movie, "Dream A Little Dream" in honor of all of us who truly enjoy keeping our dreams alive forever. This one is for you, dear Jan, I hope you enjoy, my friend!